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Click here to view the TWAIS 2023 Pre-ICEB Workshop
Workshop Mentors
(in time order):

James J. Jiang, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of IT Management, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan
Editor-in-Chief, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (Scopus)

Time: 10/19 Thursday 10:00am-12:00pm

BIOSKETCH: James J. Jiang is Distinguished Professor of IT Management, National Taiwan University (NTU). He was also the NTU Distinguished Research Chair Professor, 2009-2013; the inaugural recipient of NTU Fu-Bon Endowed Chair Professor, 2013; and the Outstanding Scholar Chair Professor, Foundation for The Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship, 2015. Prior to join NTU, Prof. Jiang was Distinguished Professor (E2), Australian National University, Australia 2010-2013; Research Professor of IS, University of Central Florida, U.S. 2001-2010; Associate/Max-Watson Professor of IS, Louisiana Tech University, U.S., 1997-2001; and Assistant Professor, Grand Valley State University, U.S., 1992-1997. Professor Jiang is globally one of the most influential pioneers of the IT Project Management and IT Program Management. His publications in IT project/program management have attracted over 14000+ citations with H-Index=66 and i10-index=148. Prof. Jiang has serviced as Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly (MISQ) and Journal of Association of Information Systems (JAIS). Currently, he is the Editor-In-Chief of Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (PAJAIS).

H. Kenny Cheng, Ph.D.
Chair of Information Systems and Operations Management Department, University of Florida, USA
Senior Editor, Information Systems Research (SSCI-Q1)

Time: 10/19 Thursday 10:00am-12:00pm

BIOSKETCH: Kenny is John B Higdon Eminent Scholar at the Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, USA. Professor Cheng currently teaches information technology strategy, electronic commerce and supply chain management, and object oriented analysis and design. His research interests focus on analyzing the impact of Internet technology on software development and marketing, and information systems policy issues, in particular, the national debate on network neutrality. Prior to joining UF, he served on the faculty at The College of William and Mary from 1992 to 1998.

Patrick Y.K. Chau
Provost and Chair Professor in Information Systems and Business Analytics at Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United 98International College (UIC), China.
Former Editor-in-Chief, Information & Management (SSCI-Q1)

Time: 10/19 Thursday 02:00pm-04:00pm

BIOSKETCH: Professor Chau received his PhD in Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He conducts research in IT adoption and electronic commerce and has more than 100 papers published in prestigious journals in the Information Systems discipline. He has been on Stanford/Elsevier’s List of Top 2% Scientists worldwide since its first release. As of August 2023, his Google Scholar citations exceed 27,400 with an H-index of 62 and, in Scopus, more than 11,700 with an h-index of 43. He is a former Editor-in-Chief of Information and Management, an A* journal in the Australia’s ABDC Journal List and a Level 3 journal in the UK’s ABS Journal List. Under his editorship, the 2-year impact factor of the Journal has grown from 1.84 in 2014 to 10.33 in 2021. He is also a Senior Editor of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, which is an A* journal in the Australian ABDC Journal List and a 4* journal in the UK’s ABS Journal List. He was Co-editor of Electronic Commerce Research & Applications and Global Editor of DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems. He received AIS Fellow Award in 2013 and was President of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) in 2021-2022. He was appointed “Chang Jiang Scholars Programme” Chair Professorship by the Ministry of Education in 2010. He has also held Padma and Hari Harilela Professorship in Strategic Information Management at The University of Hong Kong, Qiushi Chair Professorship at Zhejiang University and Lee Dak Sum Chair Professor in Information Systems and Operations Management at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

Eric T.G. Wang
Chaired Professor at the Department of Information Management, National Central University, Taiwan, R.O.C..
Senior Editor, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (Scopus)

Time: 10/19 Thursday 02:00pm-04:00pm

BIOSKETCH: Eric T.G. Wang is Information Management Chaired Professor of Department of Information Management at National Central University, R.O.C. He received the Ph.D. degree in Business Administration, specialized in computer & information systems, from the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Rochester. His research interests include electronic commerce, supply chain management, outsourcing, organizational economics, and organizational impact of information technology. He has published articles in various IS journals and was awarded both Academic Award in 2008 and National Chair Professorship in 2013 by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C. He has been an AIS Fellow since 2017.

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