ICEB 2023 Schedule




10/19 (Thu)

08:30 - 09:40

TWAIS 2023 Pre-ICEB-Conference Research Workshop Registration (Hotel Lobby)


09:40 - 10:00

Opening (B1 Seminar Room)
(Host: TWAIS Co-Founders Prof. Eldon Y. Li)


10:00 - 12:00

Workshop 1 (Chairs: James J. Jiang & Kenny H. Cheng)

Presentations of 4 Best Papers Recommended by TWAIS & ICEB Committee


12:00 - 14:00

Lunch Break


13:30 - 18:00

ICEB Registration (Hotel Lobby)


14:00 - 16:00


Workshop 2
(Chairs: Eric T.G. Wang & Patrick Y.K. Chau)

Presentations of 4 Best Papers Recommended by TWAIS & ICEB Committee


16:00 - 16:30

Closing Discussions
(Host: TWAIS President Prof. Eric T.G. Wang)


16:30 - 18:30

No-Host Social Hours (Hotel Lobby)
ICEB Annual Board Meeting – For Board Members Only (B1 Seminar Room)


18:30 - 21:00

ICEB Welcome Dinner (2nd-Floor Ballroom)


08:00 - 17:30



08:00 - 09:30

Keynote Speech I – ISR Prof. Kenny H. Cheng (1st-Floor Ballroom)


09:30 - 09:50

Coffee Break


09:50 - 10:50

Keynote Speech IIJSIS Prof. Guy Gable


10:50 - 12:20

Keynote Speech III – I&M Prof. Patrick Y.K. Chau


12:20 - 12:30

Opening Ceremony (1st-Floor Ballroom)


12:30 - 13:30

Conference Lunch


13:30 - 14:50

Concurrent Sessions - 80 min. (X3-AB)


14:50 - 16:10

Concurrent Sessions - 80 min. (X4-AB)


16:10 - 16:40

Coffee Break


16:40 - 18:00

Concurrent Sessions - 80 min. (X5-AB)


18:30 - 21:00

Conference Dinner (2nd-Floor Ballroom)

20:00-21:00 Keynote Speech IV –INFORM DS Prof. Galit Shumali


08:00 - 17:30



08:20 - 09:20

Concurrent Sessions - 60 min. (Y1-AB)


09:20 - 09:50

Coffee Break


09:50 - 10:50

Concurrent Sessions - 60 min. (Y2-AB)


10:50 - 11:50

Concurrent Sessions - 60 min. (Y3-AB)


12:00 - 13:30

Conference Lunch


13:30 - 14:50

Concurrent Sessions - 80 min. (Y4-AB)


14:50 - 16:10

Concurrent Sessions - 80 min. (Y5-AB)


16:10 - 16:40

Coffee Break


16:40 - 18:00

Concurrent Sessions - 80 min. (Y6-AB)


18:30 - 21:00

AGM Awards Banquet (2nd-Floor Ballroom)


08:00 - 17:30



08:20 - 09:20

Keynote Speech V – CHB Prof. Matthieu Guitton


09:20 - 09:50

Coffee Break


09:50 - 10:50

Keynote Speech VI – ECR Prof. J. Chris Westland


10:50 - 11:50

Keynote Speech VII – ISJ Prof. Robert M. Davison


12:00 - 13:30

Conference Lunch


13:30 - 14:50

Concurrent Sessions - 80 min. (Z3-AB)


14:50 - 16:10

Concurrent Sessions - 80 min. (Z4-AB)


16:10 - 16:40

Coffee Break


16:40 - 18:00

Concurrent Sessions - 80 min. (Z5-AB)


18:30 - 21:00

Night Market Visit (Dinner on your own)


08:00 - 12:00



08:20 - 17:30

Self-funded Tours (Lunch included)


18:30 - 21:00

Free Schedule, No Conference Activities.