- Welcome to ICEB'23
- ICEB 2023 Photos to share
- ICEB 2023 Presentation Certificates
- 2023 Program book
- Best paper awards
- Download ICEB Poster
- ICEB Home
- ICEB officers
- J. Business & Management
- Prior conferences
- Prior proceedings books
- Scopus / Ei Compendex accession numbers of ICEB proceedings papers
- ICEB Publication Policy
- ICEB annual member lists
- Contact us
About ICEB'23
- Welcome to ICEB'23
- Nat'l Chung Cheng Univ.
- Virtual conference venues
- Call for papers
- Workshop mentors
- Keynote speakers
- Conference tracks
- Important dates
- Committees
- Editorial board
- Sponsoring journals
- Conference Sponsors
- Registration guidelines
- Registration forms
- Payment gateway ACCUPASS.com (ready for use)
Program schedule
- Annual conference events
- 2023 Events schedule
- Time zone map
- ICEB2023 session overview
- ICEB2023 presentation schedule: All/ Day-X/ Day-Y/ Day-Z
- 2023 Program book
- Best paper awards
- Enter 2023 ZOOM meetings
- 2023 Informal proceedings zip file (~50 MB)
Initial submission (in PDF)(CLOSED)
- Initial submission guidelines
- Initial submission template
- Initial paper submission
Post-acceptance submission (in PDF)
- Post-acceptance submission
- Submission guidelines for Authors of Accepted Papers
Post-conference submission (in DOCX)
- Final submission guidelines
- APA Citation reference styles
- Camera-ready template
- Final submission checklist
Travel information
- Visa information
Taiwan quarantine rule
- Local attractions
- Airport transportation
- Optional tours
- Hotel room booking
- Hotel information :
Main Hotel - A
Overflow Hotel - B
Overflow Hotel - C
- ICEB Home

ICEB 2023 Registration

Note for registration fee:


  • Submit your Registration Form in USD and pay though the Payment Gateway (ACCUPASS) with an international credit card. Please note that there is a surcharge of 5% imposed by ACCUPASS and the USD will be exchanged to TWD (NT$) at a fixed rate of US$1=NT$31.

Click here to download Registration Form in USD.

Click here to access ACCUPASS payment gateway.

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